EWASdb: epigenome-wide association study database

       EWASdb : epigenome-wide association study database

EWAS for single marker      EWAS for KEGG Pathway      EWAS for GO Category      Browers by class      Browers by alph      FAQ

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EWAS annotation
(the phenotype/disease info of EWAS):
phenotype.xlsx (108KB)      baiduyun url

EWAS for single marker (52292604): ewas_singlemarker.rar (1113442KB)      baiduyun url

EWAS for GO Category (930609): GO_Category.rar (5887KB)      baiduyun url

EWAS for KEGG Pathway (49967): KEGG_Pathway.rar (340KB)      baiduyun url


1. From GWAS to EWAS (PPT, Conference on Health and Information, Chongqing, 2017)